Genetically modified food (GMO) exist everywhere around us - without us knowing! The food we consume every day should be more transparent so that we can have choices about choosing our food. A public awareness campaign by portraying childhood characters suffering from the effects of eating their favourite genetic modified food.

Quoted from Trendhunter
"Bugs Bunny, Popeye and Winnie the Pooh have never looked as bad as they do than in these James Voon illustrations, but at least it’s for a good cause. Rendered for a student project, Voon wanted to produce posters to promote awareness of genetically modified foods. He’d hope that, by employing friendly cartoon characters to help spread his message, people would demand food companies be more transparent about the types of produce they sold.
James Voon also accompanied each sad depiction with anecdotes to further invoke pathos among viewers. Bugs is characterized as being depressed, Winnie sits worriedly contemplating whether or not he should have another handful of honey and, worst of all, Popeye is bedridden with IVs as he rejects his canteens of spinach. The images are quite shocking to say the least."
James Voon also accompanied each sad depiction with anecdotes to further invoke pathos among viewers. Bugs is characterized as being depressed, Winnie sits worriedly contemplating whether or not he should have another handful of honey and, worst of all, Popeye is bedridden with IVs as he rejects his canteens of spinach. The images are quite shocking to say the least."

Lost At E Minor lostateminor.com/2012/02/25/omg-whats-in-your-food-campaign
Trend Hunter trendhunter.com/trends/james-voon
Polones Art polones.wordpress.com/tag/omg-whats-in-your-food
Scrumptiousreads scrumptiousreads.tumblr.com/post/18310272292/omg
Dad's Big Plan dadsbigplan.com/2012/02/omg-whats-in-your-food/
*All artworks are designed, recreated, drawn & illustrated by James Voon