Taking M&M's brand to a more up-close engaging way of interacting with the fans, we created the first brand collaboration with Escape Room!
For many years, M&M’S® chocolate has been a favourite around the world. Good for us, but not for them – the M&M’S®. The M&M’S® have always dreamed of escaping from our mouths. They have tried running away numerous times, and they never failed to fail. Not until one fine day that they finally escaped out of M&M’S® factory. They wandered around the city in search of a suitable hiding place, but none of them was isolated enough. Then they saw the Escape Room at eCurve, and it was just perfect. Or so they thought. Now they are trapped!

The M&M’S® Escape Room, in the setting of a museum contains 3 different sections – Prehistoric Room, Egyptian Room, and Renaissance Room. Your task now is to catch them all in 45 minutes, so that our supply of M&M’S® will be put back to safety.